Let’s face it; being high-tech is in. Everyone wants to be a “high-tech” company. Why? It’s good for business! A high-tech company is relevant, on the cutting edge of growth, a place where smart people want to work, and a destination for consumers.
But being high-tech is more than merely hoarding an assortment of technological devices. It is understanding how to leverage technology in a way that both improves workplace efficiency and enhances the consumer experience. For many businesses, becoming high-tech requires more than upgrading servers or implementing a new CRM, it requires a cultural transformation.
In many ways, developing a technology-centric culture is about embracing change. What is change? It is about seeking and implementing strategies that increase productivity and enhance quality. Transforming organizational culture isn’t easy. Many leaders want to live by the age-old adage “if it isn’t broke, don’t fix it.” But from a technological perspective, the adage is a recipe for disaster. The world of technology is rapidly changing. And to be successful in the midst of this technological revolution, successful business leaders must create work environments that embrace and celebrate change.
“We embrace change.” Say it. It’s not difficult. It’s not difficult because “saying” something is easy. Culture can’t be faked. Asking your colleagues to “embrace change” is not enough. It starts at the top. Today, more than ever – business leaders need to walk the walk or be left behind. That means dedicating at least a modicum of time to considering how different technological tools can benefit your business. It means providing your team with both training and time to practice. And it means creating an environment where colleagues feel challenged to evolve and rewarded for their effort.
As technology improves, competition for market share will become even more fierce. Successful businesses are beginning to integrate traditional business strategies with big data and complex algorithms. And the most successful business leaders are constantly asking themselves, “what’s next?” But determining “what’s next” requires business leaders to get up, look around, and ask some questions. When business leaders begin to inquire, when they begin to embrace change, when they lead by example- then, and only then can they consider themselves a technology-centric company.
So, are you a high-tech company?