Inovatin Doesn’t Need Permission

by Jason Wilson

The average American spends approximately 43 years of his or her life working before retirement. So why would you go to work and do something without having the passion for it?  It’s important to find a way to spend your life doing something that matters to you.

That’s where Mary Lengle comes in. Lengle grew up in Bethlehem learning about the game of golf through a grandfather who instilled in her that golf is a game that brings people together. Lengle didn’t realize at the time what the impact of those talks would mean to her until many years later.

Early in her career, she worked at Rodale Inc. in the book division, working with the likes of Denise Austin, LL Cool J, and Morgan Freeman, helping them to promote their books. While she enjoyed the work, she knew deep down that if she were ever to find real satisfaction in her career, she would need to find a way to combine her love of golf and her storytelling ability.

“We spend so much of our lives waiting for permission. In school, you need permission from teachers, in the workplace you need permission from a boss before trying out a new idea, you just reach a point where you realize that you don’t need anyone’s permission anymore because it stifles your creativity and opportunities,” said Lengle, of New Tripoli.

In 2016, she was done asking for permission.

She knew it was time to finally combine those passions by teaming up with PGA professional and Lehigh Valley golf instructor Eric Cogorno to build his business beyond just individual coaching. “As I worked with Eric on my golf game, I was seeing how he collaborated with other students and what I saw was unique and special — especially his instruction with the junior golfers – “a level of expertise and passion on par with other talent and brands I’ve worked with in my PR and production career,” Lengle observed.

Lengle is working to become an ambassador for the game of golf by producing content that she hopes golfers of any age will find compelling and useful. It’s a simple premise, but it’s one that, for her, provides meaning and impact in her life. They don’t have a roadmap on how they’re going to get there, and they’re both OK with that.

“Eric and I believe in what we are doing, and we know that our initial concept may evolve, and that’s OK because that’s how you set the conditions to allow innovation to happen,” Lengle added.

Lengle and Cogorno are at that uncomfortable phase of their plan where you see most business leaders starting to get nervous because they want to see that quick return on the investment. Lengle is comfortable with being uncomfortable, and golf provides all the motivation she needs.

“Golf is a game where you must learn to detach from the outcome. You can’t focus on the past; you must stay present in the moment, and deal with the constantly changing variables that exist every time you step up to the tee,” Lengle said.

Not only is that great advice for golf, but it’s an excellent way to approach your life. Lengle can accept that not everyone will understand her and Eric’s mission. But what she does know is that when it comes to your business or personal life, if you’re going to take a risk where failure is possible, then you better be doing something you love, because that’s how you’ll ultimately succeed. ­

Mary and Eric have been using social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram & YouTube to film and upload content at a dizzying pace. They have seen their followers increase with constant growth in comments and interactions from golf enthusiasts across the globe.

Their work can be found at Eric Cogorno Golf.


Jason Wilson of Tri Outdoor, Inc.

& William Childs, Advertising & Marketing Consultant

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