We are at the forefront of an AI (artificial intelligence) revolution touching everything in our lives, including how we can approach aging, health, and longevity.
The one-size-fits-all, symptom-first approach to wellness is becoming obsolete. Instead, personalized health assessments are emerging as the next frontier to enhancing our well-being. By tailoring wellness programs to meet each individual’s unique needs and preferences, we can finally extend our lifespan without sacrificing our utility.
What is a Personalized Health Assessment?
At Elixir Health and Wellness, we focus on the foundations of health and take a holobiont approach to wellness. Advancements in technology have made it possible to gather and analyze vast amounts of personal health data for relatively cheap, paving the way for highly customized wellness plans.
The concept of personalized health assessments is rooted in the understanding that each individual has distinct health needs influenced by factors such as our environment, genetics, lifestyle, and medical history. Traditional doctors often fail to address these individual differences, leading to treating individual symptoms, which results in suboptimal outcomes.
According to a report by McKinsey, approximately 20% of consumers in the United States seek personalized wellness products and services that use biometric data to provide recommendations. This percentage will continue to grow as people realize the ease and the long-term health benefits of personalizing their health care.
How Personalized Health Optimization Works?
Personalized health assessments can include the collection of various health metrics, including biometric data (e.g., blood pressure, cholesterol levels), genetic information, metabolomic data, hormones, lifestyle factors (e.g., diet, exercise habits), gut bacteria collection, and even psychological assessments. This data is then analyzed by a trained professional (or an AI model) who will provide personalized recommendations.
The health optimization program I focus on includes an in-depth questionnaire, a finger-prick blood test, and urine and saliva samples (which can all be done in the comfort of your home).
This is all sent back to the lab, and once the results are back, we can see heavy metal toxicities and other environmental toxins like the level of plastic you’ve been exposed to. We can also see vitamin and nutrient deficiencies, gut imbalances, amino acid profiles, omega levels, food intolerances, and neurotransmitter data.
From there, we create a customized lifestyle change list that covers nutrition, fitness, and most importantly, a recommended supplement program that will help support the body with detox and help rebalance the imbalances of the cells. It takes 3-6 months for your body to begin to heal, during which the client will have ongoing support, and at that point, we retest and repeat.
What is the Benefit of Personalized Wellness?
When wellness programs are tailored to your individual needs, you are more likely to have the buy-in and complete the recommended program. It feels more relevant because your deficiencies are staring you in the face, leading to higher adherence and better outcomes.
Because the program is tailored to your needs, you are more likely to see the symptoms of your sick life fading quickly. Healthier individuals are generally happier and more productive, have increased energy levels, and improved cognitive function.
Finally, while personalized programs may require a higher upfront initial investment, they can lead to significant cost savings in the long run. Preventative care can stave off major health issues down the road, saving hundreds of thousands of dollars and years of your life out of the hospital sick-care system.
You’re Ready to Start. What Now?
Finding the right professional is key. Not everyone is trained in wellness medicine. Not every person who is trained will be a good fit for you.
I use the HOMeHOPe framework in my optimization programs, and my ideal clients understand how their lifestyle choices impact their longevity and are looking to get optimized.
If this isn’t you, but you want to get started on your own program, I have a wide network of clinicians and wellness practitioners I can match you with who may be a better fit.