Massage Therapy: A Natural Approach to Headache Management and Relief

by Jessica Prince

Getting a headache can take everything out of you. It can hinder your focus, ability to work, and ability to enjoy life. Headaches can come on gradually, which is more common, or suddenly, with a blow to the head or trauma. If you’re like the rest of us, you want to alleviate those headaches quickly. Sometimes, medications can help if you’re in a pinch and need to muscle through the day, but a lot of us don’t like taking medications anymore. Getting to the bottom of the issue and treating it is more beneficial than just masking the symptoms. A majority of headaches are caused by dehydration, tension, stress, lack of sleep, lack of caffeine, hormonal changes, and even food and drinks!

Migraines or migraine headaches are headaches of multiple pain levels but also include throbbing and pulsing, and sometimes you get a warning sign, also known as an aura. While there are many types of auras, they can be flashes of light or blind spots, for example. Many who suffer from these migraines need a dark, quiet room as they are usually light-sensitive and sensitive to sound.

Massage therapy, Myofascial Release (MFR), and Craniosacral Therapy (CST) are immensely helpful in situations like this, and a blacked-out and quiet massage room are added benefits. These, coupled with a skilled massage therapist with extensive experience and training in these techniques, can help diminish the frequency and intensity of your headaches and migraines. When the muscles are tense, it restricts blood flow, oxygen, hydration, protein, and nutrients to the muscles, which is everything your muscles need to be healthy. Did you know that your cranial bones are not fused and articulate? The bones come together to touch and are “sutured” together where they meet. When the muscles are tense and tight, it jams the cranial bones together, increasing the pressure in your head. After loosening the muscles with myofascial release, your skilled therapist will shift into craniosacral therapy and literally listen to the bones in your head, along with the cranial rhythm, allowing them to shift back to just articulating, which decreases the pressure in the head, alleviating or decreasing the intensity of the headache.

The more frequently someone has headaches or migraines, the more frequently they should be getting this type of massage therapy, at least initially, to get ahead of the pain and frequency and then taper down to a more preventative measure.

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