Goals That Matter The Most

by Michael Barrovecchio

You are wonderfully unique with a unique purpose in this life. The world needs you at your best, and setting and achieving the Goals That Matter Most are essential for you to become your Best Self

However, most people are not intentionally setting goals or are setting goals that really don’t matter.

Here is how I help our clients set Goals That Matter Most.

Clarify Your Values
Meaningful goal setting starts with clarifying your values, which are the deeply personal, non-negotiable things that matter most to you. This is your Why.

You are drawn effortlessly toward your Values. They are not just what you consider to be good. They are what is most important to you that you will sacrifice and fight for in your life.

What do you value? If you could only choose your most important 3–5 Values, what would they be? Write them down.

Create and Clarify Your Vision
The next step to setting Goals That Matter Most is to create and clarify your Vision. Your Vision brings your Values to life. It is the powerful picture of your most fulfilling future life. It expresses your deepest desires, honors your uniqueness, and is the filter through which you make decisions to create the life you love. This is your What.

Your Vision empowers you to stay focused on the things that really matter to you. It is a vividly clear picture of the life you desire.

Your Best Possible Future Self

Created by Dr. Laura King, a researcher at Southern Methodist University, the Best Possible Future Self is a powerful exercise that will help you create your Vision for your perfect future life. You simply write about your life in the future, using the present tense. Imagine what your Best Possible Self is like 10–15 years in the future. How do you feel? Who are you with? What does your day look like?

Where are you? Who do you impact?

Write as vividly and specifically as you can about your Best Possible Future Self. Envision yourself there. As you write, consider all key areas of your life such as relationships, career, finances, health, recreation, and spiritual life. Make sure that your Vision honors your Values.

Take your time. This may take more than one session but creating a clear picture of your most fulfilling desired life is worth the investment.

You have just created and clarified Your Vision.

Define and Clarify Goals That Matter Most
Just as your Vision brings your Values to life, your Goals should bring your Vision to life

This is your How.

There are two types of Goals: Performance Goals and Growth Goals.
Performance Goals are SMART Goals:

  • Specific
  • Actionable
  • Measurable
  • Relevant
  • Time-bound

Examples of Performance Goals are:

  • I will lose 20 pounds by July 1
  • I will make a million dollars this year
  • I will read one book per month beginning February 1

For each Performance Goal, ask yourself, “What fear, habit, or distraction will get in my way when accomplishing this Goal?”

The answer to that question helps you set Growth Goals.

For example, if your Performance Goal is to double your revenue this year, yet you fear asking your clients and prospects for higher fees, it’s time to set a Growth Goal. A good Growth Goal would be to learn how to confidently articulate your value, and your best next step may be to hire a Coach to help you do that.

Write Goals Down and Be Accountable
Research suggests that writing goals down make you 39.5% more likely to succeed. If you also send progress reports to an accountability partner, it jumps to 76.7%.

Write down each Goal, how it supports your Vision, and the steps required to achieve it.

Make sure each Goal is required to bring your Vision to life. If it does not, it is a distraction. Delete it.

Track your progress and send these reports to an accountability partner weekly.

Get to Work!
Take action required to achieve your Goals. Create a result, learn, and adjust daily

The World Needs You
You have a specific purpose in this life. Your Values, Vision, and Goals will help you step into your unique place in this world to be the Best Possible You.

Please don’t make us wait much longer!

Michael Barrovecchio is a certified Coach and President of CAPO Leadership Consulting. Reach him at 732-713-1900 or Michael@CAPOLeadershipConsulting.com.

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